Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Random Things you may want to know about me and my ATV

It all started when my boyfriend and I decided that we need a new hobby that we could both enjoy. He suggested buying ATVs aka Quads, I had never done anything like that before and didn't really know what to expect. After learning more about ATV riding I decided to give it a shot, so November 06 I purchased my first ATV. I bought a Honda 250ex, which means I got a bike my size, with just enough power for me to handle. My ATV is good for beginners or for an advanced rider, because it has the option of shifting with out a clutch or if you prefer you can use the clutch. We chose the auto clutch, so that I could concentrate on the basics of riding without worrying about stalling it. I have gone riding several times now and I am rapidly improving every time. So far I have only ridden at Walker Valley and Reeder Pit, both great places to go. This summer I will be trying out the Oregon dunes and I am very excited to ride in the sun not the rain. I ended up loving ATV riding and I am now also interested in trying a dirt bike. This is why I chose to make a blog dedicated to ATV riding because I am a girly girl, who was more exited about picking out a cute riding outfit versus even riding the quad and now things have changed drastically and it has become a big part of my life.

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